Library Update
The Bar Library will be closed until 12:30 on both Wednesday and Thursday 19 and 20 February to allow the librarians to attend training on new library management and research systems. The Bar Library will be open 12:30-5:30pm on both days. We apologise for any inconvenience.
The Bar Library's usual opening hours are Monday-Friday between 8:30am and 5:30pm.
The librarians are available to answer research requests 8:30am-5:30pm Monday-Friday, please email
Please note when placing requests that the Bar Library is subject to terms and conditions from some of our commercial providers that limit our ability to distribute materials electronically. The Librarians will advise when this occurs and requesters within relative proximity should be prepared to visit the Bar Library in person or send someone on their behalf to collect the materials from the access to subscribed content provided on the physical premises of the Bar Library.
Visiting Guidelines and Safety Requirements
The New South Wales Bar Association supports NSW Health guidelines to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations and recommends that members and visitors to the library are vaccinated for COVID-19 and Influenza.
Please note the following further safety measures:
• Please sanitise your hands on arrival and departure.
• If you are feeling unwell, even with mild cold or flu symptoms such as sore throat/cough wear a mask or visit the Library another time.
The click and collect policy is no longer in operation. Loans are available for 7 days (unless recalled) and can be renewed twice (unless recalled). Any items can be recalled after 3 days if requested by another member.
Returns can be made during opening hours at the 'Returns' slot near the library entrance and to the returns bin located near the entrance to the library after hours.
Thank you,
Bar Librarians